
Showing posts from 2018

Chiles tourism graphic

Chile since 2008 has received a lot of tourist visiting the country and with the years it has increased in a big amount. Here we have a graphic representation of this situation showing us the tourist arrivals and the tourist arrivals growth in the past years. This graphic only shows us up to 2014 but it has maintained this line and has been growing each year.



About Chile

As we might have mentioned before Chile is a tricontinental country, it has part of america, antártica and oceania in its territory.  It is divided in three parts North, central, and south. In each region there are different places to visit which have beautiful landscapes and fun activities to do.  North: In the north we can find the Atacama dessert which is one of  the biggest dessert in the world   covering a 1000-km  strip of land on the pacific  coast, west of the andes  mountains. It is the driest desert  in the world, as well as the only true dessert  to receive less precipitation than the polar desserts.  Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes  ( salares ),sand  , and felsic lava  that flows towards the Andes. Central:  Here in this part we can find chiles capital which is Santiago.  Historically, it has been the main area of the country and it is where the most part of the population lives.  In addition, it concentrates the hi

What can Chile do to help their tourism?

By looking at the country's pros we can say that  Chile needs  to improve different aspects to make the tourism one of our economy key areas. First what we think and recommend chile to do is to create a  government that can contribute more money on the tourism area so when they have a high amount of money destined to this are they can be able to create a company that will be focus on the promotion of the country so that Chile could receive more tourist and people that are interest in visiting. •Another thing is that Chile should improve the way Chileans treat tourists. When we travel, we all like  respectful and good people from the beginning of the trip until the end, so… shouldn´t Chileans be like this? They need to treat them with respect, cordiality and professionalism so that Chile gains a good image outside. •   Chile needs to improve the communication with tourists, we need to enhance the capacity on workers in the tourism sector to speak a var

But... is it worth going to Chile?

Chile is a tricontinental country which makes it a huge benefit for its tourism since its very interesting to get to know a country with three different continents in one country. Chile has the Antarctica, Oceania and America in its territory and a lot of people like to visit these places, Easter island in Oceania is one of the main tourist attractions especially because of its beautiful landscapes and moais, in America it has beautiful beaches in its coast and a various amount of ski resorts in the Andes making it an interesting and fun place to visit and finally it has the Antarctica which is very cold but the landscapes are breathtaking. These places call people’s attention especially for those who like sight-seeing, trekking, skiing or even enjoying a relaxing day at a beach. Chile as well as Mexico has a very good variety of foods, it has good seafood plates, the typical plates are really tasty like for example empanadas and Chile has and its known